About us

All society, therefore, exists for the sake either of advantage or of glory,
i.e. it is a product of love of self, not love of friends.

Thomas Hobbes, De cive, i.2

The European Hobbes Society is an international and interdisciplinary research network, which aims to promote scholarship on the thought of Thomas Hobbes by providing a platform for scholars from across the world to share ideas and exchange research. It originated in 2011 as an informal network of scholars working in Europe— European refers to its origins, not its destination— and has since organized several  meetings including two workshops focussed on ‘Thomas Hobbes and the Politics of Religion’. The website was launched in September 2015 and the first biennial conference of the Society was held in September 2016.

The European Hobbes Society exists for the advantage and glory of all its members—and, of course, the glory of Thomas Hobbes. But, unlike Hobbes’s commonwealth, it is much more the product of love of friends than love of self, and long may that continue.

Executive Committee

  • President

    Mónica Brito-Vieira


  • Amy Chandran

    Representative for North America and Features

  • Gonzalo Bustamante

    Representative for Latin America and Memberships

  • Jerónimo Rilla

    Publications Officer

  • Esben Ramussen

    Publications Manager

  • Charly Bradley

    Social Media Manager

Past Executive Committees

2014–2016 Founding Executive Committee: Laurens van Apeldoorn (President); Adrian Blau (Features Officer); Dirk Brantl; Alexandra Chadwick (Publications Officer); Robin Douglass (Treasurer and Membership Officer); Daniel Eggers; Signy Gutnick Allen (Publications Officer); Johan Olsthoorn; Dietrich Schotte; Gabriella Slomp; Luciano Venezia.

2016–2018 Laurens van Apeldoorn (Treasurer and Membership Officer); Adrian Blau (Features Officer); Alexandra Chadwick (Publications Officer); Robin Douglass (President); Daniel Eggers; Signy Gutnick Allen; Eva Odzuck (Publications Officer); Johan Olsthoorn; Joanne Paul (Features Officer).

2018–2021 Laurens van Apeldoorn (Treasurer and Membership Officer); Alexandra Chadwick; Theodore Christov (Publications Officer); Hrvoje Cvijanović; Robin Douglass (President); Ryan Harding; Eva Odzuck (Publications Officer); Johan Olsthoorn; Luka Ribarević.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of the European Hobbes Society currently has the following members:

Deborah Baumgold (Oregon)

Alan Cromartie (Reading)

Luc Foisneau(CNRS)

Kinch Hoekstra (UC Berkeley)

Juhana Lemetti (Helsinki)

Sharon Lloyd (USC)

Agostino Lupoli (Pavia)

Noel Malcolm (Oxford)

A.P. Martinich (Austin, Texas)

Gianni Paganini (Piemonte Orientale)

Martine Pecharman (Oxford)

Quentin Skinner (Queen Mary, University of London)

Gabriella Slomp (St Andrews)

Johann Sommerville (Wisconsin-Madison)

Patricia Springborg (Humboldt, Berlin)

Membership Directory

Membership of the European Hobbes Society is open to anyone with an interest in the life and/or work of Thomas Hobbes. The following members of the Society have agreed to share their contact details on the website.

Membership Registration

To register please simply complete the following form. For questions about membership registration please contact the Membership Officer.